Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Eaudiobooks, an answer to my reading woes.

Downloading, either in digital form or audio was much more taxing than anticipated. After following a few procedures, (incorrectly), I was able to finally master the task. I now have both a digital book on my computer, as well as an audiobook for my listening pleasure. Sadly, I can't seem to easily locate these things once I have "checked them out." Perhaps we have come full circle in the explorations of "another dimension."

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Google Docs.

My journey is slowly coming to end with Thing 9, otherwise known as Google Docs., under my belt. I really enjoyed the ease with which I was able to upload existing documents and then share them with others if needed. I found creating a spreadsheet somehow a bit more user friendly than Microsoft word. The charting feature was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wiki and the Blog

Empowering is the best way to describe the use of Wikis. The ability to share one's knowledge on a given topic no matter how obscure is truly a fantastic discovery. Given the various levels of expertise, it is to be taken into careful consideration what is written and by whom. Radical trust is based on the idea that, in general, communities work together for the common good.

Monday, October 15, 2007

More fishing.

Thing 7 has afforded me the chance to further extend my audio needs and feeds, as I chose a few Podcasts of particular interest. LearningOutLoud is a great addition to my requirement to "read" as little as possible. Seriously, that connection seems to have great value in many different areas of interest. I strongly suggest that specific Podcast be available in all libraries due to its eclectic offerings in education and entertainment.

Friday, October 12, 2007

I am now deeply "embedded" in the comfortable folds of social bookmarking. I rather enjoyed the vast array of sights to choose from that others have thought to bookmark and gather before me. Literally, I have found a wealth of information in this world of cyberspace. I found the tag, "cool" especially interesting because it had a website about the significance of numbers ranging from zero to 9999.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Persistance of Memory by Salvadore Dali

Thing 5 is now complete with the addition of one of my favorite paintings. Of course, it is "time related" in keeping with the Twilight Zone/Rod Serling genre. Enjoy!

Monday, October 8, 2007

In limbo...

Thing 5, otherwise known as, Flickr and Photo Sharing is proving to be a bit of a challenge. While there is much to READ and choose from in the way of selecting various photos, I am not too comfortable with the idea of sharing them, tagging them and making them available in groups or sets. I will continue to work on this slowly and methodically until finished.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Another dimension.

Here we are traveling through cyberspace and time into another dimension of learning, one which will enable us to further explore our world and network with others we have yet to meet.
Admittedly, it's a bit daunting to grasp these "new" concepts, but I do believe this knowledge will open doors to a very exciting world!